Instructions for Authors

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Dear colleagues

The editorial board of the journal “Bulletin of Veterinary Pharmacology” of FSBSI “All-Russian Veterinary Research Institute of Pathology, Pharmacology and Therapy” invites scientists, university lecturers, applicants for advanced degrees and practitioners to publish the results of experimental studies, theoretical and review articles on topical issues of veterinary pharmacology.

The goal of the journal “Bulletin of Veterinary Pharmacology” is to present the main directions of veterinary pharmacology development, attract the attention of scientists and specialists to the urgent problems and promote innovative developments.

Shabunin Sergey Viktorovich,
Chief Editor,
Academician of the RAS,
Head of Science, FSBSI “ARVRIPP&T”

The main thematic directions of the journal

  • Experimental pharmacology
  • Clinical pharmacology
  • Biochemical and molecular pharmacology
  • Pharmacy
  • New medicinal agents and drugs for therapy and disease prevention
  • Agents for zoohygiene, disinfection, disinsectizaton and disinfestation
  • Medicinal premixes and feed additives
  • Pathophysiology, pathobiochemistry and experimental therapy

Submission and Evaluation Process

The authors must provide the following materials to the editorial office.

1. The article prepared in accordance with the “Instructions for Authors” should be sent by e-mail (“to the editorial office of the journal “Bulletin of Veterinary Pharmacology”).

  • The material proposed for the publication must be carefully edited and signed by all the authors.
  • Articles sent to the editorial office are reviewed and submitted to the editorial board. If necessary, the editorial staff contacts the authors by phone or e-mail. Based on the results of the discussion, a decision is made about the possibility of including the article into the journal, about rejection or revision.
  • An article sent to the author for revision must be returned amended as soon as possible. A letter from the authors containing answers to all the comments must be attached to the manuscript. An article that needs to be revised again is regarded as a newly submitted. In this case, the date of receipt is the date the editorial office received the final version of the article.
  • The authors are not charged for publishing.
  • Author's remuneration for publishing articles in the printed and electronic versions of the journal is not paid to the authors of the articles.
  • Materials received by the editorial office are not returned to the authors.

2. Information about Authors:

  • Full Name
  • Academic degree
  • Academic rank
  • Position
  • Full name of the organization
  • Address, phone, e-mail
  • It is necessary to indicate separately a corresponding author and his contact details.
  • Materials received by the editorial board are not returned to the authors.

3. An assignment from the institution, in which the work was performed, according to the form:

To the Editorial Office of the Journal

To expedite the publication of an article, it is necessary to provide the editorial office with a review of a Doctor of Sciences certified in the Personnel Department at the place of work.

Article Preparation

  • The text of an article up to 15 pages long is provided in MS Word program: font - Times New Roman, size - 14 pt, line spacing - 1.5, indentation - 1.25, without hyphens. Page format - A4, margins: left - 3 cm, top, right and bottom - 2 cm.
  • The UDC index is located in the upper left corner without indentation.
  • Next, without indentation, is the title of the article in capital letters, bold, center alignment.
  • Surname, name, patronymic of the author - without indentation, in the center, in lower case, medium type.
  • The full name of the institution - without indentation, in the center, in lower case, in italics.
  • E-mail - without indentation, in the center, in lower case, in italics.
  • Abstract of the article (1000–2000 characters long) – justified alignment, indentation 1.25.
  • The abstract must reflect the purpose of the research, methodology, results and conclusions. It is compiled in accordance with (State Standard) GOST 7.9–95.
  • Keywords are placed below without an interval - 6-10 words.
  • The text of the article must include an introduction (without indicating the name of the section), materials and methods, research results, discussion and findings (conclusion).
  • The reference list is compiled in accordance with (State Standard) GOST Р 7.0 100-2018. References to sources in the text are marked by figures in square brackets and are indicated in citation order. At least 20% of foreign sources and inclusion of modern authors into the list are desirable.
  • Tables must be made in Microsoft Word and contain statistically processed material. Each table must have a number, a thematic title and a reference in the text.
  • Graphs, charts/diagrams, drawings and photographs must be submitted in jpeg, tif or gif format (with a resolution of at least 300 pixels) with the appropriate captions and numbered.
  • Abbreviations of the terms different from the standard ones must be given only after mentioning their full meaning in the text.
  • Units of measurement are given in accordance with the International System of Units (SI) according to (State Standard) GOST 8.417-2002 “Units of quantities”.
  • On a separate page you must provide the title of the article, the names of the authors, academic degree/rank, position, place of work, abstract, keywords, references in English.

    Rules for Reviewing Manuscripts Submitted for Publication